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Emirates - Assessment Day

Aqui está a continuação do relato da minha experiência no processo de recrutamento da Emirates, desta vez para descrever o principal método de triagem de candidatos, o Assessment Day, ou dia da avaliação, em tradução livre. Se ainda não leste a primeira parte, clica no link em baixo para te contextualizares:

  1. Open Day

Oh man, there I was in the day after, the dreadful Assessment day, all by myself this time! And let me tell you this, I felt like that I was in some kind of American Idol/Britain’s Got Talent contest.

My Assessment Day started with the recruiter providing us name tags with numbers, mine was 18. Then we sat and watched a video about Emirates (I think it was this one) and a slide show about life in Dubai, informing us about the major cultural differences as well regarding some laws & rules of living in the UAE. Try to appear interested and maintain a correct posture during this presentation, you’ll be observed at every single second of it.

Then the selection process began as the recruiter divided us in two large groups, I was in the first one.

1st Round – Group Activities I 

My group stayed in the room and sat in a big circle by numerical order and formed groups of three. On the first exercise we had to pick a random card from a deck wich had a profession and each member would have to explain one quality that a person with that profession would have. We’ve got Astronomer and she gave us some time to discuss it internally.

On the second exercise, we had to pick another card from another deck wich had an object and we had to relate that same object with the profession that we’ve got on the previous exercise. We’ve got a hanger, can you imagine? She gave us some time again and we’ve managed to sort things out but they want you to be creative! I think in this one, she was noticing quite a lot our posture.

After our presentations, she ended the round and told us to wait outside for the results. The second large group would come in after to do the same that we just did. Five minutes later, she posted the results at the door of the room and my number was on it! About half of the group was eliminated. As we’ve had to wait for the another group to complete the task, we’ve decided to get some coffee at Costa, we definitely deserved it!

2nd Round – Reach Test & Group Activities II 

We’ve entered the room again and began to do the Reach Test, she called us one by one and asked us to reach a marking on the wall, it’s this simple, if you can reach 212 cm, you are good to go! Then she will ask you if have any scars or tattoos. Regarding the scars it will depend on how big and where they are, she even measured the two I have on my face. About the tattoos, if they are visible while on Emirates uniform, sadly you’ll be eliminated at this point. So, if this is your case, don’t ever bother attending an Open Day. While one was doing this, the others were given sheets with information about the uniform.

Next we sat in a big circle again by numerical order and she handed us a card with a problem: we were all workers at a furniture store and we’ve had 8 reservations of a specific bedroom set and only had in stock 2 of them. The set was discontinued so we couldn’t ask the supplier for more. As a group we had to discuss in a limited time and decide wich of the clients would get the set. The clients were the following, sorry I can’t remember them all:
– Valued costumer for over 9 years;
– Marketing magazine publisher that used to promote the store;
– Newly wed couple that bought the set but was damaged during transport. Asked for replacement;
– Five star hotel manager that furnished all the rooms but two with the set;
– Designer that recommends the store to people;
– Staff member that asked for the set for himself;
– Student that only had money for that same set;
– …

There were about 12 people left in the group, can you imagine 12 people trying to express their opinion at the same time? That’s not pretty. At this point it’s important to show your opinion but it’s even more important to let others talk and heard them out, I admit it was kind of hard for me because I’m a little bit shy but in the end I’ve managed to express myself and the group agreed with my solution, it was pretty awesome.

Then the recruiter acted as a client that didn’t get the set and interviewed some of us. The goal here is to demonstrate your expertise in dealing with costumer service problems and difficult clients. When it was my turn I had to deal with the hotel manager situation and I said that I could offer a better set at the same price as the other set and the hotel could build two VIP rooms, but she didn’t agree with that and nor with all other solutions I offered her, It was really nerve-wracking and stressful. This was the worst part and I thought I was going to be eliminated.

This round ended and she posted the results outside again and surprisingly, “baam!” my number was on the list one more time! By now, the 130 applicants were reduced to only 14. I felt ridiculously lucky. 

3rd Round – English Test 

The last round was the English Test to ensure that you are fluent in English as it is the corporate language, it’s not a big deal and if you made this far, probably you’ve got nothing to worry about. Only two people were eliminated.

The Assessment Day reached to its end and the 12 finalists were given some papers and forms to fill, including a checklist with all you need to bring to the Final Interview that was also scheduled for every single one of us.

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